Florida State Realty Group
Rostislav Khaskin, GRI
Florida Licensed Sales Associate
Florida State Realty Group, Inc
1512 E Broward Blvd, Suite 204-A
Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
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Homes in Zip Code 33004 - Dania, FL

Dania Real Estate: Single family homes for sale and rent in the zip code 33004

Homes For Rent in Zip Code 33004
30 items found, displaying all items.1
MLS ID Price Beds/Baths Square Footage
A11624095 $500 0 /0 0
A11672123 $1,650 1 /1 400
F10479706 $2,000 2 /1 .5 2,016
A11696129 $2,100 3 /1 1,256
F10473397 $2,200 3 /1 888
A11703598 $2,549 4 /2 1,334
A11707996 $2,700 2 /1 1,088
A11716389 $2,900 3 /2 899
A11709628 $3,250 3 /2 31,670
A11698547 $3,300 2 /2 1,236
A11714747 $3,500 2 /2 1,674
F10481713 $3,600 3 /2 1,438
A11682775 $3,700 3 /2 1,140
A11725579 $3,700 3 /2 1,346
F10479234 $3,800 2 /2 1,527
A11682363 $3,850 3 /2 1,615
A11673272 $3,995 2 /2 1,492
A11727676 $4,000 3 /2 .5 1,388
A11691166 $4,000 3 /2 1,800
A11725072 $4,950 3 /2 1,819
A11718087 $5,499 5 /3 2,588
A11581781 $5,500 5 /4 1,800
A11709104 $5,600 2 /2 1,579
A11699650 $5,750 3 /2 1,481
A11717689 $6,200 3 /3 1,978
A11410787 $7,500 5 /2 2,100
A11332220 $7,500 5 /3 2,000
F10470307 $13,500 4 /3 2,000
A11318291 $16,499 5 /3 1,772
A11718268 $17,995 7 /5 4,650
List Price: $500
Beds/Baths: 0 /0
Sq. Footage: 0
Days on Market: 188
List Price: $1,650
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 400
Days on Market: 105
List Price: $2,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /1 .5
Sq. Footage: 2,016
Days on Market: 11
List Price: $2,100
Beds/Baths: 3 /1
Sq. Footage: 1,256
Days on Market: 61
List Price: $2,200
Beds/Baths: 3 /1
Sq. Footage: 888
Days on Market: 54
List Price: $2,549
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,334
Days on Market: 47
List Price: $2,700
Beds/Baths: 2 /1
Sq. Footage: 1,088
Days on Market: 39
List Price: $2,900
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 899
Days on Market: 17
List Price: $3,250
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 31,670
Days on Market: 36
List Price: $3,300
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,236
Days on Market: 58
List Price: $3,500
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,674
Days on Market: 23
List Price: $3,600
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,438
Days on Market: 2
List Price: $3,700
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,140
Days on Market: 86
List Price: $3,700
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,346
Days on Market: 4
List Price: $3,800
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,527
Days on Market: 13
List Price: $3,850
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,615
Days on Market: 83
List Price: $3,995
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,492
Days on Market: 103
List Price: $4,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1,388
Days on Market: 1
List Price: $4,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,800
Days on Market: 70
List Price: $4,950
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,819
Days on Market: 4
List Price: $5,499
Beds/Baths: 5 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,588
Days on Market: 14
List Price: $5,500
Beds/Baths: 5 /4
Sq. Footage: 1,800
Days on Market: 259
List Price: $5,600
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,579
Days on Market: 37
List Price: $5,750
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,481
Days on Market: 55
List Price: $6,200
Beds/Baths: 3 /3
Sq. Footage: 1,978
Days on Market: 14
List Price: $7,500
Beds/Baths: 5 /2
Sq. Footage: 2,100
Days on Market: 570
List Price: $7,500
Beds/Baths: 5 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,000
Days on Market: 723
List Price: $13,500
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,000
Days on Market: 66
List Price: $16,499
Beds/Baths: 5 /3
Sq. Footage: 1,772
Days on Market: 748
List Price: $17,995
Beds/Baths: 7 /5
Sq. Footage: 4,650
Days on Market: 13