Florida State Realty Group
Rostislav Khaskin, GRI
Florida Licensed Sales Associate
Florida State Realty Group, Inc
1512 E Broward Blvd, Suite 204-A
Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
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Venetian Isles - Lighthouse Point, FL

Venetian Isles is a single family homes community located on the Intracoastal canal in Lighthouse Point. Venetian Isles homes offer 3-bedroom to 7-bedroom floor plans ranging in size from 1,385 to 11,226 square feet. The homes in Venetian Isles are built between 1957 and 2016. The lot size for Venetian Isles homes ranges between 4,500 and 41,687 square feet.

Venetian Isles Homes For Sale
List Price: $770,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,812
Days on Market: 9
List Price: $825,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,859
Days on Market: 230
List Price: $949,000
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,229
Days on Market: 8
List Price: $975,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,738
Days on Market: 46
List Price: $980,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,535
Days on Market: 54
List Price: $1,090,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /3
Sq. Footage: 1,901
Days on Market: 12
List Price: $1,100,000
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2,442
Days on Market: 122
List Price: $1,179,900
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,752
Days on Market: 115
List Price: $1,355,000
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,472
Days on Market: 49
List Price: $1,699,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,517
Days on Market: 109
List Price: $1,745,000
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 1,921
Days on Market: 85
List Price: $1,899,999
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,714
Days on Market: 143
List Price: $1,995,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,911
Days on Market: 111
List Price: $2,050,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,603
Days on Market: 189
List Price: $2,199,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,690
Days on Market: 115
List Price: $2,199,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1,800
Days on Market: 161
List Price: $2,425,000
Beds/Baths: 6 /6
Sq. Footage: 4,754
Days on Market: 29
List Price: $2,645,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,650
Days on Market: 333
List Price: $2,650,000
Beds/Baths: 6 /5 .5
Sq. Footage: 6,575
Days on Market: 57
List Price: $2,669,900
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2,834
Days on Market: 7
List Price: $2,869,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2,189
Days on Market: 163
List Price: $3,250,000
Beds/Baths: 4 /3 .5
Sq. Footage: 3,601
Days on Market: 8
List Price: $3,499,999
Beds/Baths: 5 /3 .5
Sq. Footage: 3,944
Days on Market: 22
List Price: $3,500,000
Beds/Baths: 5 /4 .5
Sq. Footage: 4,401
Days on Market: 99
List Price: $3,975,000
Beds/Baths: 4 /4 .5
Sq. Footage: 4,786
Days on Market: 75
List Price: $4,250,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /3 .5
Sq. Footage: 3,423
Days on Market: 57
List Price: $4,295,000
Beds/Baths: 5 /5 .5
Sq. Footage: 5,188
Days on Market: 180
List Price: $4,295,000
Beds/Baths: 7 /4 .5
Sq. Footage: 4,806
Days on Market: 15
List Price: $5,500,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /4
Sq. Footage: 4,991
Days on Market: 92
List Price: $6,399,000
Beds/Baths: 5 /4 .5
Sq. Footage: 4,818
Days on Market: 11
List Price: $7,250,000
Beds/Baths: 3 /4 .5
Sq. Footage: 3,122
Days on Market: 14
List Price: $7,495,000
Beds/Baths: 5 /7 .5
Sq. Footage: 5,771
Days on Market: 95
List Price: $8,150,000
Beds/Baths: 7 /6 .5
Sq. Footage: 8,407
Days on Market: 62
List Price: $9,600,000
Beds/Baths: 6 /6 .5
Sq. Footage: 6,586
Days on Market: 286
List Price: $13,450,000
Beds/Baths: 6 /8 .5
Sq. Footage: 9,830
Days on Market: 122
List Price: $19,950,000
Beds/Baths: 5 /6 .5
Sq. Footage: 6,673
Days on Market: 386
36 items found, displaying all items.1
MLS ID Price Beds/Baths Square Footage Lot Size Home Pool # Stories Garage Spaces Year Built Days on Market Short Sale Foreclosure
F10480492 $770,000 3 /2 1,812 8,500 Y 1 1 1961 9 N N
A11600196 $825,000 3 /2 1,859 9,000 N 1 2 1965 230 N N
F10480613 $949,000 4 /3 2,229 Y 1 0 1964 8 N
F10474710 $975,000 3 /2 1,738 9,000 Y 1 2 1967 46 N N
F10473707 $980,000 3 /3 2,535 N 1 0 1959 54 N
F10475491 $1,090,000 3 /3 1,901 8,562 Y 1 2 1965 12 N N
F10462706 $1,100,000 4 /2 2,442 8,866 Y 1 2 1965 122 N
F10463907 $1,179,900 3 /2 1,752 Y 1 2 1964 115 N N
A11701094 $1,355,000 4 /3 2,472 9,631 N 1 2 1970 49 N N
R11026426 $1,699,000 3 /3 2,517 9,000 Y 2 1969 109 N N
F10468632 $1,745,000 4 /3 1,921 8,500 Y 1 2 1969 85 N N
F10459012 $1,899,999 3 /2 1,714 9,005 Y 1 2 1964 143 N
F10464615 $1,995,000 3 /2 1,911 8,500 Y 1 2 1962 111 N
F10451372 $2,050,000 3 /3 2,603 9,000 Y 1 2 1971 189 N
F10463412 $2,199,000 3 /3 2,690 9,003 Y 1 2 1966 115 N
F10456179 $2,199,000 3 /2 .5 1,800 8,929 Y 1 2 1960 161 N N
R11046819 $2,425,000 6 /6 4,754 10,293 Y 2 1989 29 N N
F10425516 $2,645,000 3 /3 2,650 9,421 Y 1 2 1984 333 N
R11040036 $2,650,000 6 /5 .5 6,575 14,149 Y 1 1975 57 N N
F10480855 $2,669,900 4 /3 2,834 9,002 Y 1 2 1968 7 N
R11011575 $2,869,000 3 /2 .5 2,189 Y 2 1969 163 N N
R11051712 $3,250,000 4 /3 .5 3,601 9,000 Y 2 2008 8 N N
F10477532 $3,499,999 5 /3 .5 3,944 8,500 Y 2 2 1959 22 N
A11676219 $3,500,000 5 /4 .5 4,401 9,455 Y 2 2 1967 99 N N
R11034949 $3,975,000 4 /4 .5 4,786 8,998 Y 3 2004 75 N N
F10473198 $4,250,000 3 /3 .5 3,423 9,007 Y 1 2 1996 57 N
F10452652 $4,295,000 5 /5 .5 5,188 10,049 Y 2 3 2003 180 N
F10479174 $4,295,000 7 /4 .5 4,806 9,000 Y 2 3 2010 15 N N
A11676513 $5,500,000 3 /4 4,991 13,002 Y 2 2 1978 92 N N
F10480205 $6,399,000 5 /4 .5 4,818 9,166 Y 2 3 2005 11 N
A11719183 $7,250,000 3 /4 .5 3,122 Y 1 4 2022 14 N N
A11678516 $7,495,000 5 /7 .5 5,771 Y 2 4 2019 95 N N
F10472078 $8,150,000 7 /6 .5 8,407 12,485 Y 2 3 2003 62 N N
A11565924 $9,600,000 6 /6 .5 6,586 18,294 Y 2 2 1994 286 N N
A11663642 $13,450,000 6 /8 .5 9,830 19,252 Y 2 4 2006 122 N N
F10415725 $19,950,000 5 /6 .5 6,673 19,558 Y 2 4 2024 386 N
Venetian Isles Venetian Isles Homes Sold in the Past 6 Months
12 items found, displaying all items.1
SOLD Beds/Baths Square Footage Lot Size Sold Price List Price Closed Date Days on Market Home Pool # Stories Garage Spaces Year Built
4020 NE 23rd Terrace 2 /2 1,535 8,500 $1,350,000 $1,750,000 12/06/2024 37 Y 1 1958
2311 NE 45th Street 3 /2 .5 1,822 8,508 $855,000 $865,000 08/12/2024 164 Y 1 1961
4440 NE 30th Ave 3 /2 1,754 9,000 $735,000 $775,000 08/27/2024 30 Y 1 2 1967
2731 NE 39th St 3 /3 2,525 9,721 $1,195,000 $1,240,000 08/29/2024 121 Y 1 2 1968
4440 NE 27th Ter 3 /2 2,004 $1,125,000 $1,249,000 09/04/2024 37 Y 1 2 1964
4411 NE 27th Ter 3 /2 2,097 $825,000 $825,000 09/18/2024 4 Y 1 2 1964
4430 NE 28th Ave 3 /3 1,750 9,000 $1,150,000 $1,295,000 11/19/2024 144 Y 1 1 1963
4120 NE 30th Avenue 4 /3 2,365 8,979 $1,650,000 $1,900,000 08/29/2024 9 Y 2 1971
4110 NE 24th Ave 4 /3 2,036 9,002 $1,450,000 $1,450,000 09/11/2024 0 Y 1 2 1969
3940 NE 30th Ave 4 /2 2,285 9,125 $1,650,000 $1,795,000 09/20/2024 32 Y 1 2 1964
2731 NE 40th Ct 4 /4 2,870 8,924 $1,100,000 $1,175,000 12/20/2024 16 N 1 2 1966
2931 NE 36th St 5 /7 .5 5,330 $6,450,000 $6,950,000 11/15/2024 107 Y 2 3 2017
Beds/Baths Sold Price Square Footage
2/2 $1,350,000 1,535
3/2.5 $855,000 1,822
3/2 $735,000 1,754
3/3 $1,195,000 2,525
3/2 $1,125,000 2,004
3/2 $825,000 2,097
3/3 $1,150,000 1,750
4/3 $1,650,000 2,365
4/3 $1,450,000 2,036
4/2 $1,650,000 2,285
4/4 $1,100,000 2,870
5/7.5 $6,450,000 5,330

The data relating to Lighthouse Point Real Estate and specifically to Venetian Isles in Lighthouse Point for sale/lease on this web site comes in part from a cooperative data exchange program of the multiple listing service (MLS) in which this real estate firm (Broker) participates. The Venetian Isles in Lighthouse Point displayed may not be all of the Venetian Isles in Lighthouse Point listings in the MLS database, or all of the Venetian Isles in Lighthouse Point listed with Brokers participating in the cooperative data exchange program. Venetian Isles in Lighthouse Point and other properties listed by Brokers other than this Broker are marked with either the listing Broker's logo or name or the MLS name or a logo provided by the MLS. Detailed information about such properties in Lighthouse Point Real Estate includes the name of the listing Brokers. Information provided about Lighthouse Point Real Estate is thought to be reliable but is not guaranteed to be accurate; you are advised to verify facts that are important to you related to Lighthouse Point Real Estate. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, or for their use or interpretation by the user. The Florida Association of REALTORS® and its cooperating MLSs do not create, control or review the property data displayed herein and take no responsibility for the content of such records. Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale, rental or financing of housing.