Florida State Realty Group
Rostislav Khaskin, GRI
Florida Licensed Sales Associate
Florida State Realty Group, Inc
1512 E Broward Blvd, Suite 204-A
Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
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Condos in Zip Code 33004 - Dania, FL

Dania Real Estate: Condos and townhomes for sale and rent in the zip code 33004

Condos For Sale in Zip Code 33004
List Price: $137,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 447
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 92
List Price: $140,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 564
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 23
List Price: $155,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 564
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 145
List Price: $157,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 850
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 56
List Price: $160,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 850
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 296
List Price: $164,500
Beds/Baths: 1 /1 .5
Sq. Footage: 850
Unit Floor: 4
Days on Market: 88
List Price: $169,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 768
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 27
List Price: $175,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1 .5
Sq. Footage: 850
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 345
List Price: $184,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 768
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 99
List Price: $188,850
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 850
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 87
List Price: $189,900
Beds/Baths: 1 /1 .5
Sq. Footage: 790
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 147
List Price: $195,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 850
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 264
List Price: $195,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 768
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 67
List Price: $197,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1 .5
Sq. Footage: 790
Unit Floor: 4
Days on Market: 30
List Price: $200,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /1
Sq. Footage: 760
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 145
List Price: $205,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 738
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 109
List Price: $218,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 768
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 107
List Price: $219,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /1
Sq. Footage: 690
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 87
List Price: $237,500
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 6
Days on Market: 8
List Price: $239,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 933
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 104
List Price: $247,990
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,037
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 39
List Price: $248,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 700
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 47
List Price: $248,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 727
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 19
List Price: $248,900
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 143
List Price: $249,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 4
Days on Market: 26
List Price: $249,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 935
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 31
List Price: $249,900
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,037
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 114
List Price: $250,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 169
List Price: $256,500
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,150
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 269
List Price: $263,990
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 935
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 142
List Price: $270,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 4
Days on Market: 170
List Price: $272,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 4
Days on Market: 103
List Price: $274,900
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 6
Days on Market: 312
List Price: $275,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,020
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 54
List Price: $279,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 6
Days on Market: 89
List Price: $279,900
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,150
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 158
List Price: $279,999
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,037
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 114
List Price: $280,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,070
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 101
List Price: $285,000
Beds/Baths: 1 /1
Sq. Footage: 700
Unit Floor: 4
Days on Market: 180
List Price: $295,900
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,020
Unit Floor: 4
Days on Market: 177
List Price: $299,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,102
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 79
List Price: $299,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,020
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 354
List Price: $299,900
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,022
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 170
List Price: $300,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,250
Unit Floor: 4
Days on Market: 140
List Price: $305,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 20
List Price: $315,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,050
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 114
List Price: $315,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 9
List Price: $315,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,102
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 88
List Price: $315,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,138
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 96
List Price: $329,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /1 .5
Sq. Footage: 1,024
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 107
List Price: $329,999
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,190
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 127
List Price: $335,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,150
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 28
List Price: $340,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,126
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 194
List Price: $346,500
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,078
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 26
List Price: $347,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,252
Days on Market: 59
List Price: $349,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,022
Unit Floor: 3
Days on Market: 131
List Price: $359,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /1 .5
Sq. Footage: 1,252
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 105
List Price: $395,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,290
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 21
List Price: $399,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,030
Unit Floor: 2
Days on Market: 69
List Price: $415,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /2
Sq. Footage: 1,252
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 14
List Price: $419,000
Beds/Baths: 2 /1 .5
Sq. Footage: 1,024
Unit Floor: 1
Days on Market: 36
61 items found, displaying all items.1
MLS ID Price Beds/Baths Square Footage Unit Floor Days on Market Short Sale Foreclosure
A11690679 $137,000 1 /1 447 2 92 N N
R11052932 $140,000 1 /1 564 1 23 N N
F10461273 $155,000 1 /1 564 2 145 N N
F10476237 $157,000 1 /1 850 1 56 N N
F10434139 $160,000 1 /1 850 1 296 N
A11692688 $164,500 1 /1 .5 850 4 88 N N
F10480502 $169,000 1 /1 768 2 27 N N
F10426089 $175,000 1 /1 .5 850 2 345 N N
A11686625 $184,000 1 /1 768 2 99 N N
F10470801 $188,850 1 /1 850 3 87 N
F10461437 $189,900 1 /1 .5 790 2 147 N
F10441681 $195,000 1 /1 850 2 264 N N
A11703492 $195,000 1 /1 768 1 67 N N
A11721314 $197,000 1 /1 .5 790 4 30 N N
F10461271 $200,000 2 /1 760 2 145 N N
F10467480 $205,000 1 /1 738 1 109 N
A11681854 $218,000 1 /1 768 3 107 N N
A11692904 $219,000 2 /1 690 1 87 N N
F10484167 $237,500 2 /2 1,190 6 8 N
A11682804 $239,000 2 /2 933 2 104 N N
R11047988 $247,990 2 /2 1,037 1 39 N N
A11708346 $248,000 1 /1 700 2 47 N N
A11728079 $248,000 1 /1 727 3 19 N N
A11661463 $248,900 2 /2 1,190 3 143 N N
A11723744 $249,000 2 /2 1,190 4 26 N N
F10479695 $249,000 2 /2 935 2 31 N N
F10466460 $249,900 2 /2 1,037 2 114 N N
F10457816 $250,000 2 /2 1,190 3 169 N
F10440551 $256,500 2 /2 1,150 3 269 N
A11662509 $263,990 2 /2 935 2 142 N N
A11644096 $270,000 2 /2 1,190 4 170 N N
F10468121 $272,000 2 /2 1,190 4 103 N N
F10431588 $274,900 2 /2 1,190 6 312 N
A11704839 $275,000 2 /2 1,020 2 54 N N
F10470899 $279,000 2 /2 1,190 6 89 N
F10459446 $279,900 2 /2 1,150 1 158 N N
A11677275 $279,999 2 /2 1,037 2 114 N N
A11682285 $280,000 2 /2 1,070 2 101 N N
R11011644 $285,000 1 /1 700 4 180 N N
R11012668 $295,900 2 /2 1,020 4 177 N N
A11697653 $299,000 2 /2 1,102 1 79 N N
A11536150 $299,000 2 /2 1,020 3 354 N N
A11645994 $299,900 2 /2 1,022 1 170 N N
A11663650 $300,000 2 /2 1,250 4 140 N N
A11727999 $305,000 2 /2 1,190 3 20 N N
F10466815 $315,000 2 /2 1,050 3 114 N
A11735305 $315,000 2 /2 1,190 2 9 N N
A11692037 $315,000 2 /2 1,102 1 88 N N
A11687277 $315,000 2 /2 1,138 1 96 N N
A11681841 $329,000 2 /1 .5 1,024 1 107 N N
A11671125 $329,999 2 /2 1,190 2 127 N N
F10480201 $335,000 2 /2 1,150 3 28 N
A11632032 $340,000 2 /2 1,126 1 194 N N
A11723491 $346,500 2 /2 1,078 1 26 N N
R11044239 $347,000 2 /2 1,252 59 N N
F10464125 $349,000 2 /2 1,022 3 131 N
A11675413 $359,000 2 /1 .5 1,252 1 105 N N
A11727773 $395,000 2 /2 1,290 1 21 N N
A11701809 $399,000 2 /2 1,030 2 69 N N
R11055825 $415,000 2 /2 1,252 1 14 N N
F10478685 $419,000 2 /1 .5 1,024 1 36 N

The data relating to Dania Real Estate and specifically to Condos in Zip Code 33004 in Dania for sale/lease on this web site comes in part from a cooperative data exchange program of the multiple listing service (MLS) in which this real estate firm (Broker) participates. The Condos in Zip Code 33004 in Dania displayed may not be all of the Condos in Zip Code 33004 in Dania listings in the MLS database, or all of the Condos in Zip Code 33004 in Dania listed with Brokers participating in the cooperative data exchange program. Condos in Zip Code 33004 in Dania and other properties listed by Brokers other than this Broker are marked with either the listing Broker's logo or name or the MLS name or a logo provided by the MLS. Detailed information about such properties in Dania Real Estate includes the name of the listing Brokers. Information provided about Dania Real Estate is thought to be reliable but is not guaranteed to be accurate; you are advised to verify facts that are important to you related to Dania Real Estate. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, or for their use or interpretation by the user. The Florida Association of REALTORS® and its cooperating MLSs do not create, control or review the property data displayed herein and take no responsibility for the content of such records. Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale, rental or financing of housing.