Florida State Realty Group
Rostislav Khaskin, GRI
Florida Licensed Sales Associate
Florida State Realty Group, Inc
1512 E Broward Blvd, Suite 204-A
Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
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Homes in Zip Code 33029 - Pembroke Pines, FL

Pembroke Pines Real Estate: Single family homes for sale and rent in the zip code 33029

Homes For Sale in Zip Code 33029
List Price: 439999.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1361
Days on Market: 39
List Price: 549000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1221
Days on Market: 82
List Price: 550000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1221
Days on Market: 121
List Price: 562000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1403
Days on Market: 15
List Price: 569000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1483
Days on Market: 10
List Price: 595000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1475
Days on Market: 10
List Price: 595000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 1510
Days on Market: 20
List Price: 611000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 1510
Days on Market: 32
List Price: 617200.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2062
Days on Market: 59
List Price: 624900.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1612
Days on Market: 51
List Price: 629900.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2587
Days on Market: 77
List Price: 630000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1568
Days on Market: 84
List Price: 640000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1764
Days on Market: 40
List Price: 649999.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1843
Days on Market: 44
List Price: 659000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2048
Days on Market: 233
List Price: 665000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2057
Days on Market: 14
List Price: 669000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1848
Days on Market: 57
List Price: 670000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1652
Days on Market: 10
List Price: 679999.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2006
Days on Market: 59
List Price: 698000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1965
Days on Market: 10
List Price: 699999.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2188
Days on Market: 66
List Price: 700000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1663
Days on Market: 39
List Price: 700000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1663
Days on Market: 155
List Price: 710000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2202
Days on Market: 50
List Price: 715000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1412
Days on Market: 21
List Price: 727500.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1992
Days on Market: 81
List Price: 734000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1982
Days on Market: 63
List Price: 739000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2587
Days on Market: 37
List Price: 739900.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2208
Days on Market: 52
List Price: 745000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2213
Days on Market: 73
List Price: 749000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2049
Days on Market: 23
List Price: 749900.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2144
Days on Market: 95
List Price: 749999.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2074
Days on Market: 99
List Price: 754900.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2197
Days on Market: 92
List Price: 775000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 1510
Days on Market: 11
List Price: 775000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1998
Days on Market: 72
List Price: 779000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1787
Days on Market: 76
List Price: 779900.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /3
Sq. Footage: 2505
Days on Market: 12
List Price: 780000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2301
Days on Market: 10
List Price: 784900.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /3
Sq. Footage: 3236
Days on Market: 135
List Price: 795000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2532
Days on Market: 23
List Price: 795000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1776
Days on Market: 90
List Price: 796500.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2216
Days on Market: 42
List Price: 799000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /3
Sq. Footage: 3155
Days on Market: 20
List Price: 810000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2604
Days on Market: 24
List Price: 823000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2846
Days on Market: 100
List Price: 834999.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2760
Days on Market: 42
List Price: 839900.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2587
Days on Market: 100
List Price: 849900.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2461
Days on Market: 168
List Price: 875000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2532
Days on Market: 23
List Price: 919999.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /4
Sq. Footage: 3211
Days on Market: 58
List Price: 920000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /4 .5
Sq. Footage: 3292
Days on Market: 73
List Price: 925000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /4
Sq. Footage: 3520
Days on Market: 107
List Price: 935000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /3 .5
Sq. Footage: 2879
Days on Market: 10
List Price: 975000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /4
Sq. Footage: 3360
Days on Market: 64
List Price: 975000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2760
Days on Market: 93
List Price: 999000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3 .5
Sq. Footage: 3099
Days on Market: 60
List Price: 1150000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /3 .5
Sq. Footage: 3514
Days on Market: 22
List Price: 1200000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /3
Sq. Footage: 2820
Days on Market: 72
List Price: 1290000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /3
Sq. Footage: 3215
Days on Market: 151
List Price: 1399000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /4 .5
Sq. Footage: 3686
Days on Market: 93
List Price: 1998000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /3
Sq. Footage: 3233
Days on Market: 112
62 items found, displaying all items.1
MLS ID Price Beds/Baths Square Footage Lot Size Home Pool # Stories Garage Spaces Year Built Days on Market Short Sale Foreclosure
A11641033 439999.0 3 /2 .5 1361 1183 N 2 0 1999 39 N N
A11619097 549000.0 3 /2 1221 4072 N 1 1 1995 82 N N
A11578273 550000.0 3 /2 1221 4189 N 1 1 1995 121 N N
R11020530 562000.0 3 /2 1403 5542 N 1 1993 15 N N
A11660620 569000.0 3 /2 1483 5806 N 1 1 1995 10 N N
A11661182 595000.0 3 /2 .5 1475 4837 N 2 1 1994 10 N N
R11018984 595000.0 4 /2 1510 5017 N 2 1994 20 N N
A11647631 611000.0 4 /2 1510 4584 N 1 2 1993 32 N N
F10453634 617200.0 4 /2 .5 2062 7213 N 2 2 1993 59 Y
R11010668 624900.0 3 /2 1612 7260 Y 2 1994 51 N N
A11623136 629900.0 4 /3 2587 6000 N 2 2 1994 77 N Y
A11614462 630000.0 3 /2 .5 1568 3870 N 2 2 1993 84 N N
F10454201 640000.0 3 /2 1764 6872 N 1 2 1993 40 N
A11641236 649999.0 3 /2 1843 4949 N 1 2 1994 44 N N
F10422683 659000.0 3 /2 .5 2048 6728 N 2 2 1994 233 N N
A11659370 665000.0 4 /3 2057 5032 N 2 1 1991 14 N N
A11632608 669000.0 3 /2 .5 1848 6742 N 2 2 1991 57 N N
A11661375 670000.0 3 /2 1652 6600 N 1 2 1998 10 N N
A11632803 679999.0 4 /2 .5 2006 5640 Y 2 2 1994 59 N N
A11657657 698000.0 3 /2 1965 7837 N 1 2 1997 10 N N
A11628664 699999.0 4 /2 2188 5835 N 1 2 1998 66 N N
F10456950 700000.0 3 /2 1663 8105 N 1 2 1996 39 N N
F10436265 700000.0 3 /2 1663 7956 N 1 2 1996 155 N N
A11637954 710000.0 4 /2 .5 2202 6215 N 2 2 1994 50 N N
A11653823 715000.0 3 /2 1412 7623 N 1 2 1994 21 N N
A11590739 727500.0 4 /2 .5 1992 6241 N 2 2 1992 81 N N
A11629786 734000.0 4 /2 .5 1982 8488 N 2 2 1994 63 N N
A11645084 739000.0 4 /3 2587 6000 N 2 2 1995 37 N N
A11633232 739900.0 4 /2 .5 2208 8672 N 2 2 1995 52 N N
A11624494 745000.0 4 /3 2213 5863 N 2 2 1994 73 N N
A11651497 749000.0 4 /2 2049 7837 Y 1 2 1996 23 N N
A11605610 749900.0 4 /2 2144 6619 N 2 2 1994 95 N N
A11607947 749999.0 3 /2 .5 2074 8476 N 1 2 1993 99 N N
F10447576 754900.0 4 /2 .5 2197 7260 Y 2 2 1994 92 N
F10461721 775000.0 4 /2 1510 7310 N 1 2 1994 11 N
A11621834 775000.0 3 /2 .5 1998 7174 Y 2 2 1994 72 N N
A11623188 779000.0 3 /2 .5 1787 8217 N 2 2 1997 76 N N
A11659754 779900.0 5 /3 2505 6820 N 2 2 1995 12 N N
R11021819 780000.0 4 /3 2301 6300 N 2 1992 10 N N
A11587007 784900.0 5 /3 3236 6000 Y 2 1993 135 N N
A11652283 795000.0 4 /2 2532 11032 N 1 2 1991 23 N N
A11615297 795000.0 3 /2 .5 1776 9176 N 2 2 1994 90 N N
A11642866 796500.0 4 /2 .5 2216 7056 Y 2 2 1992 42 N N
A11655390 799000.0 5 /3 3155 7303 Y 2 2 1994 20 N N
A11652566 810000.0 4 /3 2604 7700 N 1 2 2001 24 N N
R10997431 823000.0 4 /2 2846 10996 Y 3 1993 100 N N
A11642555 834999.0 4 /2 .5 2760 N 1 2 1994 42 N N
A11609395 839900.0 4 /3 2587 7320 Y 2 2 1994 100 N N
A11557300 849900.0 4 /3 2461 10236 N 1 3 2001 168 N N
A11650574 875000.0 4 /2 2532 14000 Y 1 2 1991 23 N N
A11633383 919999.0 4 /4 3211 11092 Y 2 2 1994 58 N N
F10451375 920000.0 5 /4 .5 3292 9428 Y 2 3 1992 73 N N
F10445517 925000.0 5 /4 3520 Y 2 3 1994 107 N N
A11660591 935000.0 5 /3 .5 2879 7700 Y 2 3 1999 10 N N
A11627703 975000.0 5 /4 3360 9600 Y 2 3 1992 64 N N
A11613883 975000.0 4 /2 .5 2760 11688 Y 1 2 1993 93 N N
A11631203 999000.0 4 /3 .5 3099 11501 Y 2 3 1993 60 N N
A11654220 1150000.0 5 /3 .5 3514 15002 Y 2 3 1995 22 N N
A11621657 1200000.0 5 /3 2820 10356 Y 1 3 2000 72 N N
A11577486 1290000.0 5 /3 3215 7928 Y 2 3 1996 151 N N
A11612680 1399000.0 3 /4 .5 3686 15679 Y 2 3 1992 93 N N
A11600027 1998000.0 5 /3 3233 15763 Y 2 2 1989 112 N N

The data relating to Pembroke Pines Real Estate and specifically to Homes in Zip Code 33029 in Pembroke Pines for sale/lease on this web site comes in part from a cooperative data exchange program of the multiple listing service (MLS) in which this real estate firm (Broker) participates. The Homes in Zip Code 33029 in Pembroke Pines displayed may not be all of the Homes in Zip Code 33029 in Pembroke Pines listings in the MLS database, or all of the Homes in Zip Code 33029 in Pembroke Pines listed with Brokers participating in the cooperative data exchange program. Homes in Zip Code 33029 in Pembroke Pines and other properties listed by Brokers other than this Broker are marked with either the listing Broker's logo or name or the MLS name or a logo provided by the MLS. Detailed information about such properties in Pembroke Pines Real Estate includes the name of the listing Brokers. Information provided about Pembroke Pines Real Estate is thought to be reliable but is not guaranteed to be accurate; you are advised to verify facts that are important to you related to Pembroke Pines Real Estate. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, or for their use or interpretation by the user. The Florida Association of REALTORS® and its cooperating MLSs do not create, control or review the property data displayed herein and take no responsibility for the content of such records. Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale, rental or financing of housing.