Florida State Realty Group
Rostislav Khaskin, GRI
Florida Licensed Sales Associate
Florida State Realty Group, Inc
1512 E Broward Blvd, Suite 204-A
Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
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Homes in Zip Code 33073 - Coconut Creek, FL

Coconut Creek Real Estate: Single family homes for sale and rent in the zip code 33073

Homes For Sale in Zip Code 33073
List Price: 449000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 1521
Days on Market: 69
List Price: 487900.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1616
Days on Market: 64
List Price: 490000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1935
Days on Market: 9
List Price: 499000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1669
Days on Market: 93
List Price: 499000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1442
Days on Market: 26
List Price: 499900.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1555
Days on Market: 2
List Price: 499900.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1616
Days on Market: 48
List Price: 509900.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1507
Days on Market: 44
List Price: 515000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1251
Days on Market: 41
List Price: 520000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1580
Days on Market: 37
List Price: 528000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1652
Days on Market: 154
List Price: 539500.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1555
Days on Market: 63
List Price: 539900.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1609
Days on Market: 37
List Price: 549000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1690
Days on Market: 28
List Price: 550000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /3 .5
Sq. Footage: 2006
Days on Market: 20
List Price: 555999.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1555
Days on Market: 132
List Price: 559000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /3
Sq. Footage: 1756
Days on Market: 41
List Price: 575000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1925
Days on Market: 2
List Price: 579000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2188
Days on Market: 121
List Price: 585000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1938
Days on Market: 26
List Price: 589900.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1833
Days on Market: 34
List Price: 595000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1816
Days on Market: 10
List Price: 599000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1800
Days on Market: 56
List Price: 599000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1836
Days on Market: 56
List Price: 599999.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2028
Days on Market: 90
List Price: 600000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1812
Days on Market: 30
List Price: 624999.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2026
Days on Market: 199
List Price: 629900.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1657
Days on Market: 74
List Price: 629999.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1860
Days on Market: 14
List Price: 629999.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 1572
Days on Market: 6
List Price: 639777.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 1830
Days on Market: 83
List Price: 640000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2211
Days on Market: 29
List Price: 649999.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2215
Days on Market: 15
List Price: 649999.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2026
Days on Market: 330
List Price: 650000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 1994
Days on Market: 25
List Price: 659000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2192
Days on Market: 30
List Price: 669900.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2338
Days on Market: 17
List Price: 670000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /3
Sq. Footage: 2118
Days on Market: 41
List Price: 675000.0
Beds/Baths: 3 /2
Sq. Footage: 2051
Days on Market: 24
List Price: 679000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 1978
Days on Market: 62
List Price: 695000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2400
Days on Market: 10
List Price: 699000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2401
Days on Market: 124
List Price: 699900.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2836
Days on Market: 10
List Price: 699990.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2005
Days on Market: 26
List Price: 705000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2463
Days on Market: 102
List Price: 714999.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2674
Days on Market: 248
List Price: 721250.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2122
Days on Market: 69
List Price: 725000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2160
Days on Market: 63
List Price: 728000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2328
Days on Market: 35
List Price: 730000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2151
Days on Market: 31
List Price: 734001.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2489
Days on Market: 108
List Price: 735000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 2311
Days on Market: 41
List Price: 749000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2394
Days on Market: 13
List Price: 749900.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2
Sq. Footage: 2236
Days on Market: 6
List Price: 775000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1906
Days on Market: 127
List Price: 775000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2768
Days on Market: 29
List Price: 824990.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /3
Sq. Footage: 2805
Days on Market: 9
List Price: 890000.0
Beds/Baths: 4 /2 .5
Sq. Footage: 1906
Days on Market: 90
List Price: 1795000.0
Beds/Baths: 5 /4 .5
Sq. Footage: 5189
Days on Market: 185
59 items found, displaying all items.1
MLS ID Price Beds/Baths Square Footage Lot Size Home Pool # Stories Garage Spaces Year Built Days on Market Short Sale Foreclosure
F10450740 449000.0 4 /2 1521 3250 N 1 0 1991 69 N
A11625297 487900.0 3 /2 .5 1616 2422 N 2 1 2002 64 N N
A11652105 490000.0 3 /2 .5 1935 1939 N 2 2 2009 9 N N
F10446504 499000.0 3 /2 1669 5381 N 1 2 1998 93 N N
A11647208 499000.0 3 /2 1442 4750 N 1 1 1990 26 N N
R11021693 499900.0 3 /2 .5 1555 N 1 1992 2 N Y
A11634044 499900.0 3 /2 .5 1616 2422 N 2 2 2002 48 N N
A11633462 509900.0 3 /2 1507 4611 N 1 2 1998 44 N N
F10455406 515000.0 3 /2 1251 2846 N 1 1 1996 41 N
R11012064 520000.0 3 /2 .5 1580 N 1 1996 37 N N
A11562538 528000.0 3 /2 .5 1652 3094 N 2 1 1996 154 N N
A11625606 539500.0 3 /2 .5 1555 Y 2 1 1992 63 N N
F10455510 539900.0 3 /2 1609 4950 N 1 2 1990 37 N
A11644829 549000.0 3 /2 .5 1690 2704 N 2 2 1997 28 N N
F10458851 550000.0 3 /3 .5 2006 1947 N 2 1 2009 20 N N
F10439179 555999.0 3 /2 .5 1555 N 2 1 1997 132 N
A11639073 559000.0 3 /3 1756 3881 N 2 2 1990 41 N N
F10462024 575000.0 3 /2 1925 7282 N 1 2 1990 2 N
F10442018 579000.0 4 /2 .5 2188 3000 N 2 2 1993 121 N N
F10457656 585000.0 3 /2 .5 1938 N 2 2 1994 26 N
F10456665 589900.0 3 /2 1833 5166 N 1 2 1990 34 N
F10460532 595000.0 3 /2 .5 1816 5319 N 2 2 1999 10 N N
F10452848 599000.0 3 /2 1800 6336 N 1 2 1999 56 N
F10452846 599000.0 3 /2 1836 7535 N 1 2 2001 56 N
F10445350 599999.0 3 /2 .5 2028 4302 N 2 2 1998 90 N
R11014017 600000.0 3 /2 .5 1812 3970 N 2 1998 30 N N
F10426849 624999.0 3 /2 .5 2026 4302 N 2 2 1999 199 N N
F10449767 629900.0 3 /2 1657 6523 N 1 2 2001 74 N N
F10459015 629999.0 3 /2 .5 1860 7634 N 1 2 2001 14 N
A11656909 629999.0 3 /2 1572 Y 1 2 1994 6 N N
F10447520 639777.0 4 /2 1830 7916 Y 1 2 1993 83 N N
F10457255 640000.0 4 /2 .5 2211 4057 N 2 1 1997 29 N N
F10458189 649999.0 4 /2 .5 2215 4057 N 2 2 1998 15 N N
A11474732 649999.0 4 /3 2026 6377 Y 2 2 1991 330 N N
A11647513 650000.0 4 /2 1994 N 1 2 1994 25 N N
R11013904 659000.0 4 /2 .5 2192 4781 Y 2 1999 30 N N
R11017497 669900.0 4 /3 2338 5709 Y 2 2002 17 N N
A11637390 670000.0 3 /3 2118 6872 N 2 2 2005 41 N N
F10458302 675000.0 3 /2 2051 Y 1 2 1995 24 N N
R11005663 679000.0 4 /3 1978 8000 Y 2 1988 62 N N
F10459792 695000.0 4 /3 2400 7541 N 1 2 2001 10 N N
F10441370 699000.0 4 /2 2401 Y 1 2 1994 124 N
F10460530 699900.0 5 /2 .5 2836 5340 N 2 3 2000 10 N N
F10457968 699990.0 4 /2 2005 8815 Y 1 2 1993 26 N N
F10445113 705000.0 4 /2 .5 2463 8796 Y 2 2 1989 102 N
F10417177 714999.0 4 /2 .5 2674 5510 N 2 2 2001 248 N N
R11003759 721250.0 4 /3 2122 7500 N 2 1999 69 N N
F10451783 725000.0 4 /2 2160 7000 N 1 2 1997 63 N N
A11641924 728000.0 4 /2 .5 2328 7500 Y 1 2 1997 35 N N
A11637321 730000.0 4 /2 .5 2151 7965 N 2 2 1999 31 N N
F10438964 734001.0 4 /2 .5 2489 7500 Y 2 2 1989 108 N
A11635189 735000.0 4 /2 .5 2311 Y 1 2 1994 41 N N
F10460133 749000.0 4 /3 2394 9000 Y 1 2 2001 13 N
F10461393 749900.0 4 /2 2236 7882 N 1 2 1989 6 N N
R10987680 775000.0 4 /2 .5 1906 5118 N 2 2000 127 N N
A11645396 775000.0 4 /3 2768 8941 Y 1 2 2001 29 N N
F10460529 824990.0 4 /3 2805 5555 N 2 2 2001 9 N
A11610763 890000.0 4 /2 .5 1906 10088 Y 2 2 2001 90 N N
A11549957 1795000.0 5 /4 .5 5189 20105 Y 2 3 2008 185 N N

The data relating to Coconut Creek Real Estate and specifically to Homes in Zip Code 33073 in Coconut Creek for sale/lease on this web site comes in part from a cooperative data exchange program of the multiple listing service (MLS) in which this real estate firm (Broker) participates. The Homes in Zip Code 33073 in Coconut Creek displayed may not be all of the Homes in Zip Code 33073 in Coconut Creek listings in the MLS database, or all of the Homes in Zip Code 33073 in Coconut Creek listed with Brokers participating in the cooperative data exchange program. Homes in Zip Code 33073 in Coconut Creek and other properties listed by Brokers other than this Broker are marked with either the listing Broker's logo or name or the MLS name or a logo provided by the MLS. Detailed information about such properties in Coconut Creek Real Estate includes the name of the listing Brokers. Information provided about Coconut Creek Real Estate is thought to be reliable but is not guaranteed to be accurate; you are advised to verify facts that are important to you related to Coconut Creek Real Estate. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, or for their use or interpretation by the user. The Florida Association of REALTORS® and its cooperating MLSs do not create, control or review the property data displayed herein and take no responsibility for the content of such records. Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale, rental or financing of housing.